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  • Writer's pictureEsteban Palominos

How to Declutter Your Home Checklist

Prior to booking us, make your move easier and cheaper by reducing clutter before you begin packing. Wondering how to tackle years of accumulated belongings? We've created a decluttering checklist for you to attack!

Two removalists and a table

Declutter Checklist at a Glance:

Step 1: Follow ‘One Year Rule’

Step 2: You only need one of everything

Step 3: Only keep useful furniture

Step 4: Make the kitchen and bathroom clutter free zones

Step 5: Check your wardrobe


#1: Follow the 'One Year Rule'

Get rid of anything you haven’t used in a year. This is a great way to remove the indecision that can sometimes arise when trying to declutter. Post it on marketplace or donate to friends and family if it's still in good condition.

#2: You Only Need One of Everything

Apart from essentials like socks and underwear and obvious sets like cutlery and glassware, you really only need one of each item in your house. Do you have an extra toaster in the cupboard? Donate it! If you're on the fence about whether to keep something, it's best to let it go.

#3: Only keep useful furniture

In past moves, a lot of clients move furniture that they're not too sure about, waiting to see if it will fit in the new apartment/house. The issue with this is that you're wasting time and money by us carrying more items. Get clear on which furniture is a priority and sell any that may or may not fit into your new home. Unsure? Ask to take measurements and create a floor plan with all of your exisiting furniture.

#4: Make the kitchen and bathroom clutter free zones

The kitchen and bathroom are notorious for accumulating a lot of clutter. Unused toiletry and glassware builds up, so maybe follow rule number 1 and if you haven't used the Red Bull cup you got from a festival 4 years ago, it might be time to part ways!

#5: Check your wardrobe

It’s also a good idea to go through your wardrobe and try on any items of clothing that you’re not 100% sure about. If it doesn’t fit you perfectly, then donate it to your local charity. Also, look at how organised one of our clients were... we loved this!

Wardrobe packing to move

So that's it from us! It's time to get decluttering. To get a hassle free quote just click here.

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